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A member registered Apr 06, 2022

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0.3 is coming out tomorrow and I already know I鈥檓 gonna finish it in the same day. So now I鈥檓 asking when is 0.4 gonna be released馃槶馃槶. Demon tier and public release. I know it鈥檚 early but any estimates?

(1 edit)

im looking for at the top of the page but cant find anything lol

how tf is it homophobic, some characters had a little bit of plot armour at the end but this game was a masterpiece. Seems like you're a snowflake who got offended and hates the fact that so many people loved this game

U need to add that in the future Eternum updates馃槒

Yeah those reference i feel are so fucking cool. I playeed eternum before OIALT, and when I heard Judie mention Eternum it just made me feel satisfied. Wish i could've witnessed the ending harem. Just a complete game馃槍

Update: was worried for no reason. Its in my finder and everything fine:)

I just finished Eternum 0.2 but when I downloaded it, I was on safari and it went to the top right like it should and then I was able to open on Finder and play. However when I clicked on download for Mac on this game it took me to the Mega File website. It then said I had to open in chrome so I did that and now its downloading (in the chrome browser not safari as in safari it kept saying file too big). Is this meant to happen? The download is taking abit longer than Eternum and that's fine since this is a completed game but I don't want to wait and then not be able to play cos of a problem. Is everything fine with my download?

What device are you trying to download on?